Les massages :

Oil massage: it is a variation of 2 traditional energy massages (Tuina without bone manipulations (China) and Ayurvedic Abyangha (India)) with organic oils mixed with essential oils.
This massage is a complete massage, adapted to your request of the day. Example: If your back is very tense, or rather your legs, if you have tension here and there, the massage will adapt to you. I will spend more time on the back and reduce the practice on the hands, ... Or conversely, if what you dream of is to be massaged on the hands and arms, while the back is not not your desire of the moment, I will spend a slow and unique time on your hands, your arms ...
Session 1h30 .
85 €

Oil massage: it is a variation of 2 traditional energy massages (Tuina without bone manipulations (China) and Ayurvedic Abyangha (India)) with organic oils mixed with essential oils.
This massage is a complete massage, adapted to your request of the day. Example: If your back is very tense, or rather your legs, if you have tension here and there, the massage will adapt to you. I will spend more time on the back and reduce the practice on the hands, ... Or conversely, if what you dream of is to be massaged on the hands and arms, while the back is not not your desire of the moment, I will spend a slow and unique time on your hands, your arms ...
Session 1h30 .
85 €

Le massage drainant : c'est un massage de la face du corps en 2 phases, DRAINAGE et ACUPRESSION (ventouses en option).
La première phase est un drainage classique, d'une infinie douceur et en profondeur, car la lymphe et les nœuds lymphatiques ont besoin de beaucoup de délicatesse. La lymphe circule en superficie et en profondeur dans le corps, le soin suit un trajet spécifique (celui des "lympho-centres") il part du centre du corps et va jusqu'aux extrémités. Puis revient des extrémités vers le centre du corps. (la lymphe part des extrémités et s'accumule en remontant vers le ventre.
La seconde phase, est le temps de l'acupression. Là il s'agit de travailler sur les points d'acupuncture. Point par point. Les trajets d'acupuncture suivent un schéma corporel bien défini afin de relancer le mouvement de la lymphe, du sang.
Une 3ème phase peut-être ajouter en option celle des ventouses (voir tarif à ajouter plus bas)
Corps entier : ventre - jambes - bras - tête :
Séance 2h.
Partie inférieure : Ventre - jambes :
Séance 1h30.
Partie supérieure : Ventre - bras - visage :
Séance 1h15.
Lorsque l'on me demande un massage drainant, le ventre n'est pas une option, mais une nécessité. Ensuite, je peux travailler soit les membres inférieurs, soit les membres supérieurs, c'est pour cela que j'ai détaillé en fonction de l'endroit où se situe l'œdème.

Les ventouses drainantes : Toujours à la suite d'un massage drainant du corps ou d'une partie du corps, les ventouses sont utilisées en appoint selon le besoin. Je ne pose pas les ventouses sur les zones lymphoïdes où se concentre les échanges de lymphe, mais plutôt sur les parties extérieures où le gras s'accumule.
Séance des ventouses 30 min à la suite d'un massage drainant : 30 min

Back massage: This oil massage is a complete back massage. The spine is detailed under each finger, from the sacrum to the skull, every corner of the back is explored and relaxed. the shoulders are relaxed, the lower back is soothed, It is the rediscovery of his back by touch
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
I offer this massage for the person in a hurry so that they let go for lunch.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
30 minute session .
45 €
45 minute session .
55 €
1 hour session .
60 €

Belly massage: Slowness is the key word of this massage. Appeasement, the return to oneself, unity. This is the attention that comes to me when I put my hands on your stomach. Oil massage, slow and deep.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
20/30 minute session .
40 €

The face and head massage: Following the traditional Chinese method, I run my head over each acupuncture point calmly and slowly. The face is detailed under the pads of the fingers, then it is the entire cranial area , the neck, the cervicals up to the shoulders that will be worn and soothed.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
30 minute session .
45 €

Foot massage : complete foot massage.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
30 minute session .
45 €

Foot massage : complete foot massage.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
30 minute session .
45 €
Foot massage : complete foot massage.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
30 minute session .
45 €

Foot massage : complete foot massage.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
30 minute session .
45 €
Foot massage : complete foot massage.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
30 minute session .
45 €
Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage : oil massage of the entire body, it is fundamental in traditional Indian medicine, Ayurvedic means the science of life, as for Abhyanga, it determines longevity and health. Thanks to the richness of the oil, the skin is beautified and nourished. The circular movements on the joints relax the entire massaged area, it drains body fluids, oxygenates the tissues and helps in the elimination of toxins. The muscles are relaxed by long, supported movements. In India, it is not uncommon for this massage to be jerky, but here, this global massage is lavished with gentleness and harmony.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
The "Ayurvedic" massage is a foundation of traditional Indian medicine.
It is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle - This oil massage beautifies the skin, drains the circulation of body fluids, relieves muscle tension, relaxes the joints, oxygenates the tissues and helps in the elimination of toxins.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Session 1h .
60 €
Session 1h30 .
85 €
Care in business: Take care of yourself, your employees, realize that the body suffers from practicing the same gestures daily.
Energy massage for 3 people minimum:
Destress ' express package : 1/2 hour / person - shoulder, neck, head, face.
displacement: 50 €
treatment / person: 50 €
Total for 3: 200 €
Energy massage for 3 people minimum:
Total relaxation package : 1 hour / person
shoulder, neck, head, face + Another part of your choice 3h00.
displacement: 50 €
treatment / person: 85 €
Total for 3: 305 €